Homelessness and Housing Insecurity


Homelessness is a complex issue with multiple contributing factors, including:

  • Lack of Affordable Housing: The primary driver of homelessness is the severe shortage of affordable housing. Rising rents and stagnant wages mean that many people cannot afford stable housing​.
  • Economic Factors: Job loss, unemployment, and underemployment are significant contributors. Many people experiencing homelessness do have jobs but do not earn enough to afford housing.
  • Health Issues: Physical and mental health problems can both result from and contribute to homelessness. Lack of access to healthcare exacerbates these issues​.
  • Domestic Violence: Many individuals, particularly women and children, become homeless after fleeing domestic violence situations​​.
  • Systemic Inequities: Historical and ongoing racism, discrimination against LGBTQ+ individuals, and other systemic issues also play significant roles​​.

Myths About Homelessness
There are several pervasive myths about homelessness, which often lead to misunderstanding and stigma:

Myth: Homeless People Just Need to Get a Job
Fact: Many people experiencing homelessness are employed, often working multiple jobs, but still cannot afford housing due to the high cost of living and low wages​​.

Myth: Homelessness Is a Choice
Fact: Homelessness is typically a result of economic hardship, lack of affordable housing, or fleeing unsafe conditions. Very few people would choose the dangerous and unstable life of homelessness​​.

Myth: Homeless People Are Dangerous
Fact: People experiencing homelessness are more likely to be victims of violence than perpetrators. The reality is that they face significant dangers themselves​​.

Myth: Most Homeless People Have Substance Use or Mental Health Issues
Fact: While these issues are more prevalent among the homeless population than the general population, they are not the primary cause of homelessness. The majority of people experiencing homelessness do not have severe mental health or substance use disorders​​.

Myth: There Are Enough Shelter and Housing Options
Fact: There is a significant shortage of affordable housing and supportive services for those in need. Many shelters have restrictions that exclude some of the most vulnerable populations​​.

Addressing these myths and understanding the real causes of homelessness can help foster more effective and compassionate solutions to this pressing social issue.


U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness. (n.d.). Homelessness Data & Trends. Retrieved from usich.gov

Council for the Homeless. (n.d.). Myths & Facts about Homelessness. Retrieved from councilforthehomeless.org

Coalition For The Homeless. (n.d.). Myths and Facts. Retrieved from coalitionforthehomeless.org

Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility. (n.d.). Homelessness Myths vs Facts. Retrieved from wpsr.org